Welcome to Windsor-Essex County Health Unit’s Disclosure Website!
This website provides quick and easy access to reports from inspections and enforcement-related activities conducted by the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit (WECHU).
Routine inspection reports are available for:
- Food Premises
- Personal Service Settings
- Licensed Child Care Centres
- Public Pools, Spas, and Splash Pads
- Small Drinking Water Systems
- Campgrounds
Enforcement-related information such as convictions and orders is available for:
- Food Premises
- Personal Service Settings
- Public Pools, Spas, and Splash Pads
- Small Drinking Water Systems
- Tobacco and E-cigarette Vendors
In 2018, changes were made to regulations under the Health Protection and Promotion Act which make it mandatory for the WECHU to publicly disclose reports in accordance with the Ontario Public Health Standards. These reports not only promote transparency of inspection and enforcement activities; they also display the work being done to strengthen community relationships, and to better protect and promote individual and community health.
When using this site, please keep in mind our, Terms Of Use, to which we add and highlight the following:
- Information posted does not imply any support or endorsement by the WECHU for any business, product, or service
- The WECHU does not guarantee the conditions of the subject business at all times. The information posted describes only what the Public Health Inspector observed at the time of inspection.
- Information posted is limited, as the WECHU does not evaluate operational concerns related to business practices, staff training, or the quality of the goods or services.
- The WECHU encourages you to review all disclosed information for a business, as it may give a fuller picture of compliance compared to, for example, one inspection report.
- The WECHU will not purposefully present inaccurate information. Inspection reports are updated regularly, but the WECHU does not guarantee that all information is accurate at all times. The WECHU is not responsible for discrepancies between information posted on this website and inspection report available at the facility, and those maintained in electronic format.
PLEASE BE ADVISED: GPS Locations may not provide exact locations at this time. The Environmental Health Department is working to update incorrect GPS Coordinates.
For Tobacco-Related Matters:
Prospective buyers of tobacco retail dealer premises are strongly encouraged to contact the local Public Health Unit to confirm premises conviction history. A premises with two or more tobacco sales convictions against any owner (past or present) at that address within a five-year period is subject to a Notice of Prohibition Against the Sale, Storage and Delivery of Tobacco Products (known as an automatic prohibition or “AP”).
Section 22 of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 (SFOA, 2017) states that upon becoming aware that there are two or more convictions against any owner for tobacco sales offences committed at the same place within a five-year period, the Ministry of Health (MOH) shall notify the owner(s) or occupant of the place that the sale, storage, and delivery of tobacco products is prohibited at the place.
The MOH accepts requests from Public Health Units for automatic prohibitions where owner(s) of the business was/were convicted of tobacco sales offences on two occasions within a five year period. The SFOA, 2017 convictions report published on Public Health Units’ websites lists all owner related tobacco sales convictions that are eligible for an automatic prohibition. Please note that automatic prohibitions do not apply to vapour products sales convictions.